Saturday, April 07, 2007

What's a District to Do?

So now that I've complained about our current situation and and highlighted how inane the arguments against DC voting rights are, it's time to propose a few solutions. In starting off, I'd like to say that I agree with some points from my opposition. First, DC is not a state, nor should it ever be. As vehement as I have been in my assertion that voting rights are inborn for all Americans, statehood is not. As the seat of our Federal government, DC would be an illogical state. Ignoring for a second that a state government would be totally size inappropriate for DC, our Federal government does need an area in which to operate itself effectively without potential state/federal conflicts.

I also don't believe that DC should have the same representation that States have in the US Congress. I may have eluded to such a thing in my previous installments, but Bill Cash makes an excellent point in that DC is inherently represented in the Federal government because it IS the Federal government. The legislators who's vote in Congress we so covet do have to drive through our neighborhoods, drink in our bars, and pass our homeless people every day while they're in town.

Having said all that, we still need representation for all the reasons I cited in my previous posts. We need it not just because we pay the same federal taxes that the rest of the country pays, but because we need a stake in our Federal government and some say in the actions that it takes. Several member of the DC National Guard have lost their lives in Iraq, yet none of those who died or who are actively serving in that quagmire have any representatives in Congress with which to voice their support or opposition to the war. In the next 20 years, when our national realizes the mess we've gotten into with Social Security, our retiring population (albeit much lower than that of Florida) will have no say in how our Congress proposes fixes to the current system. And god forbid we have any say in environmental legislation, drafted up by the rest of the states and imposed here without anyone from DC lending a voice.

We need votes, but how do we get them? The most obvious, and for some reason inflammatory, solution is to draft up and pass a Constitutional amendment granting DC representation in both the House and Senate. Yes, you heard me say it... we want a SENATE seat too. Why not? Why would this be an unthinkable resolution to our problem? Again, as I said before, we do have some inherent representation in the government. Perhaps a single US Senator, instead of the same two that States have, would be appropriate. I do, however, believe we need an appropriate number of House represntatives that reflects the population of our city. Currently we'd probably have to be content with a single House rep., but if our city continues to grow, we may get a whole TWO! Take that, California!

In the interim, I would like to have some legislation passed that gives DC at least a vote in the House, until we get our Constitutional amendment up and running. We haven't really made a change to the Reapportionment Act of 1929 since... well... 1929, so I think we're due for a look-sie. Sure, Elenor Holmes Norton would be bat-shit crazy and would propose crazy legislation, but that's what the House is for, right?

So now... your thoughts?


Blogger Marcus said...

Of course it's only fair that people living in the District of Columbia should have voting privileges. How un-American to think otherwise.

But since it's a District and not a state, the solution is to roll the residential sections into Maryland. That was the original idea, after all. Leave aside a non-residential "federal quarter," and we're all set. Who could object to such an elegant solution?

11:13 PM  
Blogger Marty Stroodler said...

Who could object, you ask? I most certainly object! I see no elegance in this - just laziness. We do not live in Maryland, we do not share the concerns of Marylanders, we certainly don't drive like they do, so we shouldn't have to share their representatives. We have our own concerns, history, and culture (though some would say otherwise). We need our own representatives. Do you really think a Maryland Senator or Congressman will have DC's best interests in mind when votes come to the floor for a vote?

Why is it so hard to accept DC representation? What is everyone so afraid of?

3:00 AM  
Blogger Marcus said...

Well, how can we sure that a representative from Lima will take into account the concerns of people from Cleveland when issues come to the floor for a vote? Why would someone from Peoria care about the needs in Rockford? etc., etc. If the residents of the "District of Columbia, Maryland" had the right to vote for their own representatives who could actually represent them, it would be a giant leap forward from today.

The problem with "stand-alone" representation for DC is that it makes the District its own state--exactly what you claim not to support. So there's a contradiction in holding these two positions simultaneously.

Also, there is a precedent for merger into Maryland--the successful 1847 merger of 32 square miles of the District into Virginia:

Yes, Washington has its own identity today. My proposed merger into Maryland is fraught with practical difficulties. Nevertheless, it is the best solution...unless you're willing to explicitly endorse the idea of the District as the 51st state.

1:42 PM  
Blogger Marty Stroodler said...

Again, I can't disagree more. Lumping us in with Maryland doesn't only infringe upon our rights to be represented by our own representatives, it infringes upon the rights of the people of Maryland by throwing 500,000 non-Marylanders into their voting pool. How is that fair at all? It makes the rest of the country feel better by creating a situation that is worse than before.

The comparison between Lima and Cleveland is ridiculous because Lima DOES have a different representative than Cleveland! In fact, Ohio has 18 separate representatives to represent the varying regions of the state. Sure, the two Senators from the state must represent all these people, but this is why there is a US House - specifically to represent the different regions of a state, while the Senate represents the state overall.

Representation does not make DC a state. There is a very lengthy process to make a new state, and getting a voice in Congress does not magically give you a star on the flag. Like I said, the Constitution doesn't allow for this - yet. This is why we need an amendment.

The key word in describing Virginia's "I'm Taking My Ball And Going Home" approach in 1847 is "retrocession", not "merge". They took the land back. The people living there are not now DC residents that get to vote in Virginia - they are Virginia residents. The land is part of their state, not part of the Federal district. That's not a precedent I want to repeat.

...and it is NOT the best solution. Why do you think this? Why is it SO hard to imagine a Federal District with voting rights? Why is it SO hard to imagine fixing the problem instead of creating more inequities?

11:15 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The thrilling conclusion will be posted on

11:46 AM  
Blogger Marcus said...

Granting DC two senators and a representative makes it a state. Simple as that. A "Federal District with voting rights" has no precedent in US history.

I'm not necessarily opposed to DC statehood; just calling for clarity about what's really being proposed here.

10:09 PM  
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12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

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