Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Diplomatic Distraction

Being in the nation’s capital, it would be redundant to say that we have a lot of foreign embassies here. By far, the most interesting is the Embassy of Iraq, at the corner of 18th and P streets in northwest DC. It’s been fascinating to watch the transformation of this building as the nation of Iraq has been emerging from it’s chrysalis of democraciness. When I first moved to DC in the summer of 2003, this building was in total disrepair. Weeds grew higher than the grass, discarded office furniture littered the parking lot, and it was evident that no one had been there in a long time. The US had just ousted Saddam Hussein, and Iraq was being run by Paul “Great Hair” Bremmer and the Coalition Provisional Authority. The Iraqi embassy had been sitting vacant since 1990, when, by all accounts, the Iraqi ambassador at the time was seen high-tailing it to Dulles in a black sedan before a sea of yellow ribbons blocked his escape.

When I returned to DC in November of 2004, everything had changed. As the insurgency in against US and British forces in Iraq was becoming more serious every day, I saw a fresh Iraqi flag being hoisted at the Iraqi embassy. Other improvements had come as well. The first thing I noticed was the installation of what I call “paranoia cameras”. You know, those white discs on a metal arms with a black half-spheres at the bottom housing a camera that became popular right after 9/11. You can’t tell which direction it’s pointed, so you should just assume you’re being watched at all times. It also appeared that the hedges at the Compound had been trimmed as well. Over the next few weeks, the grass was cut, lights illuminated the interior after dark, and every once and a while a respectable car was parked in the lot.

Fast forward to February, 2006. Iraq’s insurgency is as strong as ever, but the Iraqi government is now “legitimate” and backed up with elections. I can only assume this means they’ve started putting together a diplomatic corps. As I passed the Embassy of Iraq today, I noticed that a Comcast van was parked in front of the building, and three Arab men in very expensive suits were standing in front of the van arguing with the driver/installation dude. One kept pointing to his watch and gesturing wildly. Now, I think everyone has an inalienable right to watch Sex in the City reruns and see Olympic bobsledding in high-definition, but there is something comically ridiculous about the diplomats from a country we’re spending billions of dollars to maintain bickering with the cable guy. The kicker, however, was that the Arab guy doing most of the yelling was holding a bag from, of all places, Godiva Chocolate. I’m sure he was planning on sending it back to his wife and children in Baghdad who have little running water and only ten hours of electricity a day.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Gender Issues

Today, I found myself in the women’s restroom. This was NOT intentional, which is exactly what I wanted to tell the woman who was in there at the time. This hasn’t happened to me since 5th grade, when I was rollerskating (yes, SKATING) around a rink. As anyone who attended a rollerskating party in the eighties knows, the bathrooms are located right off the rink so that you can tinkle without taking off your skates. You can see how one might be skating rapidly around a rink, decide they had too much Pepsi, and swing into the wrong restroom. Well, at thirty years old, I did it again today, with no excuse. It was in a building I’m not really familiar with, and I just wasn’t paying any attention. I’m in a training class with the woman who was in the bathroom, and now I have to live with her staring at me until next Friday.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Do You Feel Lucky? Well, Do Ya, Punk?

I just thought you'd all be interested in my trip down to the Comcast Customer Service Center.

I step up to the window...

CS Rep: “(muffle) (muffle) (muffle) number (muffle) (muffle).”
Me: Excuse me? (placing ear closer to 4” of bulletproof glass)
CS Rep (muffle) (muffle) phone number (muffle).
Me: Oh…

CS Rep: I need (muffle) (muffle) (muffle) process (muffle) return.
Me: I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. Can you speak up?
CS Rep: (rolls eyes) I need your address to (muffle) (muffle) return.
Me: Ok…

CS Rep: Place your equipment in the (muffle).
Me: In the what?
CS Rep: The box! Right there (points).
(The box is a contraption also made out of bulletproof glass that is designed to be opened on one end and to have something placed inside. The operator on the other end can only open the box once the first side is closed)
Me: (after trying to crap a HD DVR box into the small space) It doesn’t fit!
CS Rep: Just shove it in. Hard.

Me: Can I have a receipt showing that I returned the equipment?
CS Rep: I just gave you one.
Me: It doesn’t say anything about me returning equipment! Just says I don’t owe any money.
CS Rep: Exactly.
Me: No chance you guys will loose the stuff?
CS Rep: (no response…stares at keyboard).

As I walked away, I saw one of the reps moving the equipment, heard a crash, and saw that the likely very expensive HD DVR had been DROPPED ON THE FLOOR.)

Why is there bulletproof glass at a cable company? Doesn't this indicate that there's a problem with their Customer Service?

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Blogging Just Because I Can

Not much going on this week, so here’s a cross-sectional view of my life…

I made my way to the Caribou coffee on 14th street, commonly known as “The Cruise-ibou” for it’s ability to foster social relationships among the area’s gay men. No, I was not cruising…I was studying my Mandarin for the simple fact that I can’t study at home. It’s a weakness. Anyway, I was making great progress until I looked to my right and was terrified to see that a woman was wearing one of my shirts AS A BLOUSE. Now, you are asking yourself the same question I did…is it possible it just looked like the same shirt? Believe me, I know this shirt better than any other. I have yet to leave the house in it for one night and not get compliments and to how great I look in it. One friend actually described it as my “come and f&#k me” shirt. So now I have a dilemma: do I continue to wear the shirt in fear I’m going to run into some woman and end up horribly embarrassed, or do I give up on it and get myself a new shirt?

I have way too much bubble wrap. It’s one of those things you feel stupid holding on to, but the minute you throw it out, you’re going to need it again. The Styrofoam peanuts I could justify throwing into the trash because the possibility that the container they’re in will flip over causing them to fly all over my apartment is too great to bear. Yet, bubble wrap is universal, and I feel like I should be able to find a place for it.

I’ve decided to finally make an admission – I still like John Mayer. OK. There. I said it. I’m not ashamed.