Cluck You, Asia

It's official...I have bird flu. At least that's my diagnosis, being totally unqualified to do so. I suppose it could just be a normal boring flu, but I prefer to think of myself as a trendsetter, so I'm declaring myself the first case of American Bird Flu. However, I'm not worried. I'm sure the pharmaceutical industry is working, as we speak, on a purple pill to help me. In the absence of a remedy, I guess I'll just take a day or two off work and lay off the gym for a few more days. I'm having a hell of a time finding DVDs I can stomach or daytime television that doesn't make me want to cancel my cable.
Can anyone recommend a good over-the-counter cold medicine? I'm coughing like a 90-year old smoker and my nose is, well, not as dry as I prefer. I've tried everything out there over the years, with little or no positive effects. I prefer to stick with tea and sleep, but I'll take whatever gets me out of my apartment and out into the real world again. Oh yeah...any good movie suggestions would be appreciated too.
any cheap nyquil type stuff. don't get the real nyquil it doesn't work...and make sure its the nightime stuff. and suaffed i think thats how its spelled will dry up your nose. and a couple shots of something tasty will help to. leave it to your mommy. call me in the morning
I always turn to Vicks products-like Formula 44 D.
Bird flu...I think that calls for Windex.
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